So please make plans to join us on Sunday evening, January 25, 2009, when Riggity Jig will with due solemnity mark the 250th anniversary of the Bard's birth with a traditional-ish Burns Supper at our usual haunt, Little Prague Bohemian Restaurant (rechristened for the occasion as "Wee Praggie") in Davis. Call ahead to reserve a table for dinner, or just stop by to toast the Bard with a traditional beverage and share in a sma' slice of Scotland's national dish or one of Wee Praggie's phenomenal desserts. We'll have recitations of the Bard's poems, possibly a piper, and of course Riggity Jig's music to cheer you on. Last year the band even had some requests from the audience -- but we shook our heads and said, no, we'll keep playing anyway.
Keep in mind that not many of us will be around to celebrate Burns's 500th anniversary, so make a point of doing the holiday up right this time! We'll see ye there!